Thursday, April 28, 2022

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is True

I have had spiritual experiences that I seldomly talk about, I'd rather talk about the Gospel of Jesus Christ to comfort those in need and to comfort my own heart. You see it is written, anyone who preaches another Gospel other than that of our Lord of Jesus Christ is the least in the Kingdom. It has been important for me to remain of in Good Faith. It is upsetting in the form of grievence to know of the secret mysteries in God's Kingdom. You see, you can have all the manifestations of God all around and one can expreince the many spiriutal highs but if we don't seek within, where the Spirit of the Lord reigns, we are nothing at all. We are like a hollow symball, an ocean crashing wave, a seed planed that need to be nurished. So, at times when the memories arise and the moment is present and so far way from the ones that matter other than myself, I do shed a few tears, I do feel the tugging of the love I hold within. I do hold to heart the wonderful moments I expreienced next to my greatest blessings (my own precious children). I am healing as I type of the turth I can testify with my very own life in this moment. God is good and I am blessed to witness his mercy towards me. He says his grace is sufficient and I belive it has been true and therefore is true. I am gracious at all times when I see it and when I don't because I know I am loved by him who has said my grace is sufficient. I am loved beyond all measures because I know there is no law against the fruits of his Spirit, his love for me and towards me, after all he said and promised to me, we are sealed because he first loved me. I am his and he is mine, I am for him because he says he is for me and not against me.

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