Monday, September 26, 2022

Feeling Emo Tonight

Tonight has been very emotional for me/to me. You see, I miss my family soooo much. I miss home sooo much... but I am no longer there... the traumatic experience I remember that occurred in Chicago, Illinois from one day to the next... the abrupt flips I faced from my husband that would leave me questioning God's Kingdom that offered me comfort and hope in reading the scriptures from The Holy Bible... The fact I know of my true identiy in Christ as a Royal... I believed God's promises then as I do now... I don't have all the answers... but there is a thin line between the physical world and the spiritual world that apparently, I've been gifted to transcend in a way where the Spiritual world called for my spiritual emergence and into a sphere where I practically became forced into face an abrutpt awakening, in a blink of an eye... When the Spirit world is stronger than the physical realm the Force is Born... two systems merge for a purpose, and I am still wishing and I still hope to know the good side of it all. I am not lost, I've never been lost, I know who I am and I know the LORD knows who I am. But I am human and I lived a beautiful human experience a beautiful testimony of God's love for me, he offered me the gift of motherhood.

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