Monday, July 24, 2023

Going through a divorce

Near the end of 2018, I chose life and with freedom, I became a woman in pursuit of justice in exchange for happiness by having needs and wants met with my loved ones' involvement and at face value. I'm very thankful and grateful for this day in 2023, I have remained in need of justice. 

In 2019, close to the end of the year, I was capable to walk up to the local courthouse here in Hidalgo County, all on my own, and filed free of charge thanks to the exceptional letter from a local agency helping me stay in housing. 

As previously mentioned above, I did file but when I did, I was ill-informed about how to go about from one of my visits to the district attorney's office here in the same county. The officer/rep that took my testimony hand delivered to me a folder with divorce documents that isn't compatible with my testimony knowing I'm a military wife that requires specific forms. Of course, I wasn't aware of that until later down the line.

Seems very unkind and ungrateful on his part because he basically misled the Republic, by misguiding me, he leaned on his own understanding that was based on a list of lawyers from my stay at mujeres unidas. Why couldn't he just direct me to Texas Legal Aid with his business card? I'm well into 2023 with the same legal representation problem as before.

My divorce requires specific forms for me to file out since my spouse honorably retired and is collecting a pension and our children for the most part were still minors when I filed. I can't believe as to know some officer at the district attorney's office could deliberately jeopardize an entire military family's welfare, and the entire country's moral welfare, with his single-sided decision by giving me inappropriate legal paperwork to file.

There is no bliss in ignorance and no direct relief offered there, I'm so tired of having to face it. I don't want to come up with my own conclusion, but he totally undermined me; my family, my values, my morals, my culture, and my social disposition in the social sciences that are alongside all of our country's hard-working ethics.

As time ticks and time tocks time unfolds the heart of the man and the heart of his children and the heart of his wife/spouse (his people). I know together we can work it out as a team, but it requires a team of effort and willingness for the higher good in all.

I'd like to see my family again, I've not seen my children since 2018 as a result of this legal issue that is way over my hands and way over my spouse's hands. We are worthy. 

Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Joy of the LORD is my Strength

Simply done;

Do all things in love, with charity, and with love. -1 Corinthians 16:14 

In good faith, faith with works, and my good works will follow me, says the Lord. 

Self Serve Buffet


Lucy, you got some explaining to do! -Ricky Ricardo from I Love Lucy

Home is where the Army sends us & Home is where the heart is. - Military Wives Club

Land of the Free & Home of the Brave, Land that I Love. -America's Legion

Do all things in love, with charity, and with love. -1 Corinthians 16:14

In God We Trust. -US Dollar Bill

With Love, Mom.

With the help of my parents and with their blessing and support, I became the first in my family to graduate from high school, the first to go to college, I'm also the first in my family to marry a U.S. Army active duty service member, and the first to give my parents grandchildren. My family has become a beacon of Hope in my Mexican American ethnic background as White Race Americans in the Americas. 

We are chosen and set apart from the world around us, to live life accordingly to Biblical principles. The foundation of our God-given faith is our Lord Jesus Christ, the Nazarene, King of the Jews. With our Lord, we persevere together as a nation under God here in the U.S..

How important has it been for us to maintain our peace as we've endured much, so much that we turn to Spirit as we know God is for us and not against us, and in exchange, we know who we are and what rightfully belongs to us.  We hope for a social stratification miracle and breakthrough with the 'Opportunity Narrative Philosophy' in place. It's taken my own children to drink the wine and eat the bread of forgiveness when there is no need for sacrifice, God is righteous and loving.

We know poverty is not of God, poverty is known as a phenomenon created by globalization, and we God's word that defends us and his favor to change our family dynamic alongside our social sciences with our economic dynamic infrastructure as it's happening from up State. 

We know all of my needs are to be met and have every right to reach our blissful state, happiness with our own families. Because we are all sealed to Heavenly Father as one Family of God that has blessed us in our own Homeland as we honor him in service with servitude towards one another altruistically. 

According to the law of Moses, I have rights, that are essential to meet and strive for perfection independently as a spouse. The pursuit of happiness takes justice and it is hard for anyone to be in the right without justice. Justice cannot be justified because Justice simply is, but when a binding contract keeps a person from progressing it becomes a taxational problem.

I know, you know, and we've all known, the truth will set any man free, and we all know, I love preaching the word of God because I was born for it. I inherited the Kingdom of Heaven and I co-created Heaven on Earth, therefore, is mine, says the Lord. 

However, to be repeatedly reminded of my own authenticity and my own walk with God without proper representation for direct relief is of the Most High in the Highest of concern in our country here in The United States of America. We know we are citizens of Heaven and we live as such.

In the U.S. we have standards, and it is expected of First World members in any and all social class stratification to honor the law of the land and to behave accordingly to the Golden rule, applicable to our essential standard of living, such as the one written on our single dollar bill, In God We Trust.

My peace, my faith, my life, my testimony, aligned to Biblical principles (The Holy Bible), is not for sale and it isn't for free, it came and comes with a price, paid by the blood of the Lamb (an Army, of Angels). We believe treating others with fairness, equity, and charity is involved but charity is not to be exploited by the poor while the rich fatten themselves without justification. 

The Golden Rule is practiced worldwide, we know of that, it doesn't take rocket science to behave honorably. What we have in America are standards to protect the Republic and we have expectations to preserve our integrity and our democracy from domestic and foreign enemy. 

Enough said I'm blessed, favored, loved, and thankful. Today's a good day to say, life is not a game to be toyed with.

Monday, July 10, 2023

WISDOM is her name and I AM

I know I am a blessing on this planet, in my world, in the world, and in the world to come with Jesus as our LORD and Banner, and more so of a blessing for the ones who believeth in me without having to see.  

I love those nearest and dearest to me, my own family, just like everyone who has walked on earth in the same likeness as our Lord Jesus Christ, such that he is the son of man and son of God, with the fullness of his Spirit. 

I know I'm a reflection of our beloved Lord and a reflection of those before me, after me, and those I've co-created in harmony based on Biblical Principles; with the fruits of the Spirit.  Thanks to My Lord Jesus Christ, we are together and in unity, is how we go about.  

The Lord spoke and said, Peter do you Love me, and on the third time, he says to Peter; FEED MY SHEEP.  In America, even a prisoner gets to eat therefore; even a goat is worthy of the Lord's promise on Earth, we all break bread and partake of the LORDs everlasting promise and covenant, that he shed his blood for all sinners and took with him all infirmities, sickness, and illness, and it has all been done so by his precious blood on Earth as in the Heavens we are granted forgiveness (he has forgiven us). 

AMERICANS we are here in our own Homeland, the USA, as the blessed American; the Land of Milk and Honey.  We know spiritual nourishment is essential to edify the entire U.S.A. as one Family.  

Together, unified, we make up the Christ Head as First World Nation on Earth.  And such that we are as the body of Christ based on Biblical Principles with the Golden Rule in place. 

We know his Bride makes up the entire body of Christ, she is spotless and blameless, and we're all in this together, with clean hands.  We’re here on Earth as His bride, as his Church and as his chosen people to govern over our very own Nation, we are all members of God's Kingdom it is our responsibility to protect HER. 

It is important for every man in his own castle to partake of the Lord's Supper as he calls upon his name for spiritual nourishment, but so is feeding the Temple, the body that stores the Spirit of God in its rightful TEMPLE, for it is considered a saved soul in the sight of GOD.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Happy Independence Day!!

 A well deserved happy Independence Day to me.

Proud to be an American in America.

She’s been good to me.

McAllen, TX (2023)

What a lifetime in pursuit of life, liberty, and justice/happiness looks like on the right side. 

En El Monte on the Sonoran Desert, AZ