Monday, July 10, 2023

WISDOM is her name and I AM

I know I am a blessing on this planet, in my world, in the world, and in the world to come with Jesus as our LORD and Banner, and more so of a blessing for the ones who believeth in me without having to see.  

I love those nearest and dearest to me, my own family, just like everyone who has walked on earth in the same likeness as our Lord Jesus Christ, such that he is the son of man and son of God, with the fullness of his Spirit. 

I know I'm a reflection of our beloved Lord and a reflection of those before me, after me, and those I've co-created in harmony based on Biblical Principles; with the fruits of the Spirit.  Thanks to My Lord Jesus Christ, we are together and in unity, is how we go about.  

The Lord spoke and said, Peter do you Love me, and on the third time, he says to Peter; FEED MY SHEEP.  In America, even a prisoner gets to eat therefore; even a goat is worthy of the Lord's promise on Earth, we all break bread and partake of the LORDs everlasting promise and covenant, that he shed his blood for all sinners and took with him all infirmities, sickness, and illness, and it has all been done so by his precious blood on Earth as in the Heavens we are granted forgiveness (he has forgiven us). 

AMERICANS we are here in our own Homeland, the USA, as the blessed American; the Land of Milk and Honey.  We know spiritual nourishment is essential to edify the entire U.S.A. as one Family.  

Together, unified, we make up the Christ Head as First World Nation on Earth.  And such that we are as the body of Christ based on Biblical Principles with the Golden Rule in place. 

We know his Bride makes up the entire body of Christ, she is spotless and blameless, and we're all in this together, with clean hands.  We’re here on Earth as His bride, as his Church and as his chosen people to govern over our very own Nation, we are all members of God's Kingdom it is our responsibility to protect HER. 

It is important for every man in his own castle to partake of the Lord's Supper as he calls upon his name for spiritual nourishment, but so is feeding the Temple, the body that stores the Spirit of God in its rightful TEMPLE, for it is considered a saved soul in the sight of GOD.

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