Monday, November 15, 2021

I AM, The Chosen One

The Fors is with me, for me, and not against me, therefore, with these words, I type on behalf and for the God of Glory, the God of my Righteousness, because Righteousness is written as his. His name, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, he is the only worthy person to bear his own name, with the paid price and possession to be clothed with, in the heavens as on Earth.  I will not sit nor lay down with an unsound spirit, much less with ungodliness. These words are intended for the God of my Righteousness, who is one and the same as the one who gave me my name and the gift of life with loving parents.   

In the same likeness, Lord, I know I am confused with mixed emotions at the many thoughts, but you gave me a sound mind spirit, and with your loving word written in my heart and mind, I hold on to your promise with your everlasting love for me here on Earth.  Knowing that I am sealed with your Spirit, I am to be white spotless without sin, thanks to our Lord, Jesus Christ. I know together we make up a Kingdom of Kings and priests, a Holy Nation. This is where I get confused, as to how deep is your love for me and mines, that you have someone chosen for my very own children, Let us exalt your name on Earth and in the Havens as pre-ordained before all came to be unanimous as one in all harmony. 

I admit I did reach the high council, the cross was too much for a single latter in a cold world. I did ask for a new heaven and a new earth, I did love my own family, I did love with passion, I did love tenderly, I did love my enemies, and I did pray for those who persecuted me. I did as you command I do, and asked of me to be and not out of fear nor out of sacrifice, but out of self-love and self-compassion, as faith in you become stronger in me thanks to your inconceivable love for me and all of your creation.  

So with these words, I offer you and cast all my cares on to you, my planet is ill and I lost all control, however, I know you are the Great I AM, so I turn to you, in hopes of healing my planet by your favoring mercy and grace. All in Jesus name, Amen.

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