Thursday, August 4, 2022

LDS by the Wolfpack showed ...

There I was sitting inside the McAllen Public Library visiting my online work and boom all of a sudden two elders from the lds organization show up with their mentor and then boom two more decide to ambush the area... I forgave them for speaking in Spanish around me and looking white as snow in the presence of my carmel complex, when the last two of the wolfpack, when showing up speak in English! Good God. Yes, Brother Beecroft endorsed me on Indeed and I also allowed him to make me a member of the organization... All this while he was still alive back in 2010. We are well into 2022 and counting... Thank God, but I must add, we're all in this together when we now are all facing more than what we can handle collectively, with challenges at the world wide covid19 level amongst the already knowns social problem at homefront, human behaviours, on social media, and on ground level.

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