Monday, October 31, 2022

Blessed. Loved. Adored. Grateful.

Ever since early on, I knew and I felt different from everyone and everybody in my life... I always felt underesteemated and misunderstood. However, the freedom I was privilidged to have, to hold, and to feel thanks to my loving parents Efrain and Dora Irma Espinoza, at a very early tender age, I can say I felt their love and inclusion in this physical world. There were times in my childhood were I felt the need to yearn for their love and affection across the miles and physical distance, but yet, I knew they were and continue to be near to heart. I would watch cartoons early Saturaday mornings, they greeted me in the absence of my parents that were far away from home. I felt their trust to leave me behind in a safe and loving enviroment and home that equipted me with the basic daily needs. Breakfast for me consisted of my favorite choice of cereal and cold milk from a running fridge. Followed by my favorite activity, Mr. Bubbles Bath in a jacuzzi style tub inside our private rental casita. Once, I was done with my pampering moment, I walked over next door to my auntie Martha's home. Her home was similar to ours except she had a standing shower tub and not a jacuzzi style tub. I visited with my cousin Hilda E. Rubalcava until it was time for me to call it a night and I'd go back home to my own private space. I remember, there was this one time, mom got me a ballerina with a crown and pink dress teddy bear. On one of my parents trips they came down and had to leave again, my heart was crushed because I loved spending time with them, they were so happy and fun to be around. They played music in their Bronco and talked about their peers in a positive and healthy way. Always laughing aloud. But again, it was time for them to leave and I would stay behind. I felt so sad and placed my teddy bear in the middle console for them to travel with. Mom and Dad and the teddy made it back to me safe, but the Bronco was totaled, they got hit by a Drunk Driver... the Drunk Driver survived and by the Grace of GOD so did my parents. My parents came back to me, I had a feeling and it came to pass but I know that God even sees the heart of a child like that of a righteous man. After all I know, the Kingdom of Heaven belong to such as them (child like spirit and pure of heart). I'm so blessed.

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