Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Wednessday Night!

I'm being reminded of my good old high school sweetheart of a boyfriend, J-diddy... You see, now that I am mature and have a little more knowledge (experience) about life in general, especially as a mother... I know why he was adamant about breaking bread with me. He wanted so bad to come over and have dinner with my parents and since I wouldn't agree with him, because my mom said I was allowed to have a scholar boyfirend, that meant he wasn't supposed to be the marriage type. So, he finally asked me to go to The Basque with him, and of course, we did end up going after a school function thats thanks to Pete our Student Council Advisor... Jeff was The Key Club Treasurer and I was just a Key Club member? I can't entirely remember, but we both shared a wonderful Thanksgiving volunteering at the Wellton Community Center for the Kawanas, next to our school mates and peers Norma Nuno and Manuel Quintana. Anyway, I'm remembering the feeling I felt when I was not shy moreless felt inadequate... didn't feel natural to me... We did alot of good things together, he was my wild-kick-side buddy (I had strict parents then)... and we both liked to live a little on the edge together, but we never took it too far (always respectful towards each other)... we never crossed the line of no return. We did keep it PG 13 between us, by my wishes. I am very grateful and appreciative to God and the Universe for allowing me to have had a wonder friend in high school that I consider a sweetheart of a scholar boyfriend. Wishing him the best at this time. I know he grew up to be a good dad.

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