Saturday, October 1, 2022

Good Morning, it's Saturday, Still Awake and Blessed

I think,by now, it's fair to say I'm a happy person with a happy grateful and thankful personality a bit bi-polar... However, what I don't excuse and we all know, my physical disposition is to be temorary not a permanant patch work in the making. So this in knowing this, I know I've placed all of me in God's hands... my as in our past, the present moment, and our future altogether happen to be all in his hands, including those who are not aware of the biblical times. I am grateful every night for how far we've come along with a grain of faith and the seed of love planet in my independent and collective heart (the very heart of Jesus The Living Christ). I know God promises in his scriptures that all those who trust and trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior with their very own life, will not be disappointed. Indeed, I am not disappinted, I am grateful as previously mentioned. However, we know, the physical body requires Maslow's Theory of Hiarchy to manifest for the Spirit to thirve in its godly temple.

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