Friday, May 12, 2023

I’m an Asset an Assembly of People

I’ve never been a burden.  I’m a U.S. Army Wife a spouse and dependent, honoring my husband as his right hand.  

I am not a burden.  I’m the mother of my three military brats; Isaac, Emily, and Lysette.  I am not a burden for having sought honorable representation.  

I am not a burden when I sought and seek honorable Justice.  I am not a burden when I completed my South Texas College degree as intended.  

I am not a burden when I managed to transfer to the UTRGV - The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley without money to land on!  

I am not a burden when I made way for school loans to cover essentials such as; my rent, daily food, toiletries, and personal care items.  

I am not a burden when I know my husband Luis, is being a tight wad and, benefiting off my existence as his supporting spouse of 23+ since his enlisted and reenlisting and now during his US Army retirement days... 

Angry, Mom & Spouse here!

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