Friday, May 12, 2023

Salvation is your responsibility

You got to know you’re self to know how to handle life(s) challenges…. How you speak to others is a reflection of yourself and how you would speak to yourself… 

Therefore, never regret being yourself and know that you are what you do… goals and merits need to be Christ centered and both realistic and real. 

Thoughts and actions speak louder than words… Knowing yourself is honoring your parents and by respecting others you yourself set imaginary boundaries for others to respect in the same likeness. 

We all know better by now, because all we need to know in life we learned in Kindergarten (keep your hands and feet to yourself, treat others the way you want to be treated, and wash your hands with soap and water before and after every meal and after using the restroom).

We’ve known positive thoughts in good faith produce healthy and good results! 

You are in control of your own mind when you remain authentic to yourself and don’t allow intrusive people, thoughts, ideas to influence your convictions and Christ centered rooted faith. 

Always be your genuine and respectful self, because at the end of the night, one can get full credit for SALVATION but the LORD himself… 

You are Loved by many like myself, as we freely give without expecting anything in return, but in certain aspects the law is essential because the law was established and is established and is to be made known to establish order in God’s Court.  Therefore we are never alone, and I know for a fact, we are LOVE in Action!

We’re alive and live beings…. 💕 ❤️ ♥️ 💜

Inspired by the image below under One Nation Under God, the United States of America 🇺🇸 

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