Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Hello Gorgeous! You are A beautiful Tuesday Sunny Morning and I think you are fantastic just as you are, SHinning your Splendor for all of Us to Enjoy. 

Journaling on DailyStrength is good but so can a blog to clear the tension and ease the ocean waves. After all, when the River meets the Ocean it becomes the entire Ocean and the Entire Creation that Comes With it. 

Today is a Good Day to share and contribute in the slightest way to be held accountable as the life of Earth, actively being practiced and in the collective making. 

Therefore I wish well for all of me, you, and us, especially my audience of one as well as the inner Source that keeps my world thriving not only in me but around me. Thank you Beloved Spirit of Life in me.

Life is Good and Has been So Good Next to Me.

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